De Correspondent
Online journalistic platform De Correspondent, commissioned a series of editorial illustrations supporting the articles of Modern Life correspondent Nina Polak. Nina discusses different films, series, and trends and finds parallels in our daily lives.
Online journalistic platform De Correspondent, commissioned a series of editorial illustrations supporting the articles of Modern Life correspondent Nina Polak. Nina discusses different films, series, and trends and finds parallels in our daily lives.

Het Parool
The article, written by Gys-Walt van Egdom, is about woke thinking, polarization, and the focus on the sensitivity of words. As the Dutch would say: Pas maar op want je maakt zo een uitglijder!
The article, written by Gys-Walt van Egdom, is about woke thinking, polarization, and the focus on the sensitivity of words. As the Dutch would say: Pas maar op want je maakt zo een uitglijder!

Illustration about students living in their car due to extreme housing prices
Illustration about students living in their car due to extreme housing prices

Follow the Money
Series of illustrations about Coevorden becoming the shit capital of Europe.
Series of illustrations about Coevorden becoming the shit capital of Europe.

De Volkskrant
Image column about poverty in the Netherlands
Image column about poverty in the Netherlands